A huge trade of High Quality of Himalayan Salt Products. We are proud to introduce a variety of Salt products with legendary customer service, products including Himalayan Salt Blocks, Himalayan Salt Cooking Plates, and Himalayan Mineral Salt Lick. We have a great focus on building Material for Himalayan Salt Wall for Holistic health. We provide Himalayan Salt Bricks and Salt Tiles with special Salt Adhesive to build mess free Himalayan Salt Wall. All products are imported from Pakistan and made locally available in USA.
Breathe in a Salty atmosphere is really good for respiratory tract and to strengthen lungs. Himalayan Salt Wall made with Salt Bricks clean the inner lining of Lungs and give an ease for better breathing and better living.
A great quality and ability of Himalayan Pink Salt is to purify the air. Himalayan Salt Bricks Wall emits negative ions that make anti-bacterial atmosphere.